Have some time today and a good internet connections as I pass some time before getting on a flight to Delhi late tonight so doing a quick post here.

The India 20 team is no more, and everyone has broken off to board their next flights to where they were headed. It was sure hard to see them go. About half went back to their home countries and half are staying in India on various forms of touring and sightseeing. Many of us are luck and are meeting our spouses here to begin phase 2 of our journey and as a result I was able to meet Paula’s boy-friend and go to dinner with them last night. It was a great non-Veg feast (lots of Chicken)!

Having the India 20 team come together was great, one of those happenings in life that occurs that you know was because for something more than just fate. I’m leaving the experience with new friends and an expanded understanding of their cultures and countries. To have such a talented team together for a month was enriching and I’m sad to see it go.Happily there seems to be real talk of regular India 20 team reunions where we show up in each others countries. It think this is a great idea since Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Australia, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania all sound like cool places to visit.

With the departure of the team I have found myself with a few hours spare hours in Mumbai all to myself which is kinda nice. Today I went for a walk about and saw yet more bizarre things. Also found a great Ice Cream shop. Ice Cream is very big here; and very good.


Also since my hair grew out of control in Jamnagar I found a barber and got a real Indian haircut. I was a bit worried about the whole experience but instead was surprised by the similarity of it all. The shop and the barber were Just like the one my brother frequents back in Victoria. Despite the complete lack of any English to guide things the end result is good. Not my best haircut ever, but certainly far better then my worst! And all that for 100 Rupies (including big tip = $1.50 Canadian). What a deal!


Tomorrow I’ll be in Delhi and hopefully Leah and I will connect in the airport. Then after some sleep we will get going onto the tour. I know many are interested to see more blogs about this, especially the Kerala part, so I’ll do my best to continue as time, energy and internet connectivity allow. Till then, best wishes to all back home.

Finally, not to be a downer but finishing off with a quick picture I took last night of a homeless family on the streets of Mumbai. Less mud, less cows but same poverty.

Until this trip I understood, but did not know (internalize)  just how blessed and fortunate I am to live in the circumstances I do.


My best to all back home.
