
“My bags are packed, I’m ready to go…”  Click here

It was over a year ago when I applied to the CSC with the faint hope I would be accepted and I would be able to go on an adventure of a lifetime to some exotic and foreign land so see if I could help others in a new way. To my great happiness I was accepted, and now the day and time of departure has arrived.

And like the Song at the above link says my only reluctance is leaving behind the great people I love in Victoria for a couple months. But I’m filled with excitement, and yes a hint of apprehension, Who can say what I might experience or how I might feel about it? But I”m sure that this adventure will give me some new perspectives on what it means to live in this ever globalized world.

So, 5 hours from now I’ll be on the plane winging my way to perhaps the most exotic and adventurous place on earth! I hope I can help CCT and make a difference, however small in the lives of people so far away in the slums of Jamnager.

Since I’ll be on a plane for 27 hours and then be upside down time-zone wise it might be a couple of days until my next post. But I will try to post regularly and include pictures so you can get a regular sense and see a bit of my Indian experience.

On Aug 9th at 3 am local time I touch down in Mumbai, where hopefully I’ll be able to meet the hotel driver and make my way to the hotel. Then during the day of Aug 9th rest of the team arrived during the day of the 9th. Then it’s one more night in Mumbai and we then all as a team fly to Jamnager on Aug 10th.

I’m really looking forward to seeing Peter, Emily, and all the team after having spoken to them so many times on the phone.

Anyway,  think I have to sign off for now since i Have a few more computer things to do (items to download) before I officially depart.  Also given that today is also my wonderful wife’s Birthday I have to assemble a quick Birthday cake, and get the presents lined up for opening so I get the joy of seeing her blow out the candles. I will miss her so.

Safe travels to all other participants reading this, and see you very soon in Mumbai. And to all others I’ll be posting to you again. Please wish me luck and Gods speed.
